On 21 September 2021, four members of the CHAMPION External Advisory Board (EAB) met the project partners and BBI JU project officer for the first time to discuss project ambitions and achievements. The EAB members bring a wide range of expertise and experience in areas relevant to the project including resins and coatings, circular economy, sustainability, policy and composite materials.
During the 2-hour meeting, the external experts were introduced to the objectives of the project and the progress during the first 15 months was presented. Following some insightful questions, there was a wider discussion with positive comments and helpful feedback to consider in the upcoming months.
After such a promising start of our collaboration, the project team plans to regularly exchange ideas, plans and results with the EAB. Moreover, we plan to expand the EAB over the next few months, to cover more of the value chain and look forward to working alongside all our external experts to deliver our project goals.